
What We About

We are the next generation of Hip hop artist. Our job is to bring hip hop back to the state it use to be. It's not about the money or the flash. It's about doing the music Justice. Hip hop was used as a tool of education and communication. Educating people about what was really going on in the areas we resided. The art form belongs to the people and not the  Fuckers who run it now. We have stood by long enough and watch them reduce our art form to a mare joke. The time has come to Take back what's truly ours. Our responsibility is much greater.(for It is not us but the younger generation that hip hop truly  influences)  So ask your self what is it you would like to contribute in this life and in the short time we are given?

We will not stand by and watch them destroy this art form that our elders  bestowed  on us. We will fight to the end and emerge    victorious. Let us not  degrade  our women, mislead  our kids, Lie to our selves(half of you rappers know that you don't own half of the things you claim to have or the money for that matter)Let us educate the masses and use hip hop has a tool of such. They control the radio stations and the record labels. But there's power in numbers. Realize what they are feeding through the machine is only meant to blind you from what is really going on in the world. I have taken that responsibility to change that what is known as normal and challenge those in power. We will not settle  for less. The time has come, we have stood by and accepted what they have set as the standard, The standard is low and misleading, Time to set the record strait:      I  understand that we are not the only ones fighting this battle, We all need to join forces and promote the music that will benefit us and our children, not fill there pockets while we are hurting and blinded.


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